Thursday, April 17, 2014

Rest for the wicked

Rest days. Nobody likes them. At least I don't. I sit around, looking at pictures on Instagram of other people lifting and getting big, and I just want to go lift. For example, my day consisted of waking up at 6:30, going to work, getting home around 5:00, taking an hour nap with my dogs, cleaning the kitchen, eating, and now writing this blog. Doesn't sound too bad, right? Well, I see other people getting on social media, talking about how great their workout was, their current weight, etc. All while I'm  thinking "God dammit, I just want to go deadlift!"

But on the contrary, rest is totally necessary for growth. Your muscles need adequate time to repair themselves, especially when doing heavy weight and high volume like my current plan calls for. When I first started getting into fitness heavily, I was thinking "Fuck yeah! Going to the gym 6-7 times a week!" and never wanting to rest. Now, I will say that I made some decent gains in the first couple of weeks. But I don't think I grew to my full potential due to lack of rest. My sets were getting shorter, I wasn't pushing as much weight, and I just felt drained after a couple of weeks, even when I thought I got adequate sleep. But I've since cut back to 4 times a week (which is still a pain in my ass because I would like to see 5), and I give myself 3 days on, two days off, one day on, one day off. Since then, I've started seeing a pound here and a pound there on the scale, when I was stuck at 147-149 for 5 weeks. Now I'm sitting at 152.6 for morning weight. Not to mention that I can up my weights and volume when I go back to work.

Rest days are not a total loss, though. When you're bored, can't think of anything to do, or you just want to stay active, I have two words of advice. FUCKING EAT! Spend your rest days packing in food constantly. On my lifting days, I eat 4 meals. On rest days, I try to eat a minimum of 5. And in doing so, I don't eat like a shithead either. Be conscious of what you're shoving down your throat. Unless, of course, you're dirty bulking. In which case, go to McDonald's, get 3 Big Macs, 3 fries, and two shakes….for breakfast. Actually, don't do that. CT Fletcher is living proof that it will make your heart fail. But, seriously. Cook a few eggs with some fruit for breakfast, two cups of oatmeal for second breakfast, cook up some rice and tilapia for lunch with a salad, have a protein shake, and have some wheat pasta with chicken for dinner. I try to drink at minimum one protein shake every day. You need it. Anyone who lifts needs protein, regardless of whether or not you're cutting or bulking. DRINK YOUR PROTEIN.

Do you have to follow that meal plan above? No. Add some variety to it. I'm a guy who hates eating the same shit over and over. I have a friend at work who literally eats the same exact thing every day. Salmon, rice, and peas for lunch, then chicken, rice, and black beans for second lunch. Every. Fucking. Day. And I can't do that shit. I need some spice in my life. So don't be afraid to look up some recipes and start cooking. It's not as hard as you think.

In conclusion, use your rest days for rest and feasting. They are essential keys to growth and strength. Don't use them to go to the park and run with your dogs. Take your dogs to the dog park and sit and watch them. Don't go swim laps. Wade in the pool. Just Wrest!

Uhhh….I mean rest!

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