Thursday, April 24, 2014

My new PR, and how I hit it.

NEW PR TODAY! I hit 3 reps of 300 lbs. on the squat rack this afternoon. Since starting my fitness journey, getting into the 300 club with anything was a huge milestone. When you're starting off in the low-mid 100s on things, that seems like a huge leap. And actually, it kind of was. I started off squatting 135 lbs. for 3x10s. I knew this was low weight, but I couldn't do anything about it. Until I realized "Oh…..yeah, I can." If you read my previous post, you'll know that, until recently, I stuck to the stereotype of people who skimp on leg days. Maybe once a week, if I felt like it. But after seeing my buddy Adam Ryan's (Black Metal Fitness) leg progress after getting on the Smolov Squat Routine, I realized that my legs were fucking tiny. And thus, my obsession with legs began.

Ronnie Coleman never skipped leg day. Nor should you.

But back to the subject of hitting PR's. Most people are quick to assume that their PR isn't even worth mentioning unless it's very high. WRONG! Be proud of your progress. You don't have to be a dickhead about it, but if you're proud of your work, don't be afraid to mention it. Be happy about what you've accomplished. And the best way to continue to hit PR's is to add very small amounts of weight to whatever exercise it is you're doing. Want to hit another bench PR? Throw a 2.5 on each side and push 5 more lbs than you did last week. Your PR on bench just went from 160 to 165. That's progress. That's success. Guess what then? Add another 2.5 on each side next time. Now you're at 170. So on, and so forth, until you realize that you're pushing 190 lbs on the bench. Now you think that's okay since you're only 5 ahead of what your previous goal was. But look back at where you started or where you plateaued. 160 lbs. You've added 30 lbs. to your bench. Be proud of that shit!

Just remember that it's not smart to try and jump 30 lbs. to hit a weight that you just really want to hit, even though it's not necessarily attainable just yet. Small steps lead to big moves. So start small. Compete with yourself constantly. Make it a challenge to be better than yourself every single day you go to the damn gym.

It also helps to not be a pussy. Shove this in your ears and go lift some fucking iron!

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